About Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP

Meet Dirk.

The founder of Intelligent Cryptocurrency, Dirk de Bruin is dedicated to the success of each and every VIP member in his community.

Dirk has been involved with cryptocurrencies since 2015 and decided to combine his passions for finance and making money with helping other people to succeed in life by sharing what he's learned in over a decade of experience.

When Dirk isn't using his magic touch to analyze charts and share predictions, he's traveling the world attending conferences, events and workshops to gather more knowledge that he can share with his VIP members.


Dirk believes that cryptocurrencies and digital assets are the future of our world and dedicates himself to helping educate as many people as possible about this exciting new asset class and technology.

There are currently more than 2800 traders and investors from all around the world in the Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP community and that number is constantly growing.

Dirk is here to change as many lives for the better as possible, and that includes helping his students achieve financial freedom by trading and investing in digital assets.


For details on how to join Dirk and all 2800+ VIP members inside the community you can visit this page:


Trusted by 2800+ members

As little as 30 minutes per day
